They gave me a positive result that would be difficult to make even with an innocent citizen under normal life circumstances. A result that would be a dream of an innocent citizen signed and commissioned by my executioners.

Evil is getting stronger and it is reaching dimensions exceeding horror novel authors’ imagination as much as it is impossible to imagine even for authors of new new products versions, the originals of which were made by guardians in Franz Kafka’s novel.

I recall it was somewhen in 2012 when the Judge of Prague- East District Court JUDr Alois Cihlar ordered to perform psychiatric and psychologic analysis both of my wife’s and mine personalities in order to evaluate relations to our daughter Claire.

During our consultation my attorney showed me JUDr Cihlar’s conclusion where a psychiatrist and a psychologist were asked to perform the experts’ analysis. As I looked into the papers I was shocked seeing the experts’ names. Out of tens of available doctors and experts available just in Prague the Judge picked “randomly” two persons whom I know very well.Their signatures in bold letters could be found under the judgment of fate imposed on me by the Czech Republic State and Court Institutions. As a part of the justice- police mafia who bullied me in 1990’s they decided not only on my fate but also on fate of three other so sincere, so pure Kurds.

I could not find any explanation how the Judge chose just those names, why he picked just those two. One of them was Prof. Doc. PhDr Jan Vymetal! The other one was MUDr Karel Stibral.



I should have been observed by Prof Vymetal whom I perceived quite negatively, with reason. I remembered him being like a sly slippery snake who sometimes to his own profit and sometimes because of strange and abnormal, I am afraid pervertedly sadistic, reasons did everything what law enforcement officers wanted him to do. He did everything regardless the impact of his actions on the tested person, on all persons involved, whom his analysis tragically stigmatized forever. Any person, and especially some Kurd, would mean nothing for him!

My attorney was quite embarrassed watching me so agitated. He did not know what was happening in that moment, he had never seen me like this and I could not explain him all details by then.

After I asked him to get a glass of water and I got over the first shock I told him I knew both experts and that they played quite an important role in 13 years long prosecution where I was being sued just because I was loyal to my host country and I loved this country as much as my native one, which I, in fact, have lost. It was my capital sin that these “protectors” of my host country could not pardon by any means.

MUDr Karel Stibral was a member of a team of three specialists who would analyze me as a suspected especially dangerous criminal, so he had to sign the experts’ evaluation made by the three. They were experts who were under the impact of law enforcement organs, by then acting as their job providers and under the enormous pressure by the mass media where just the police organs purposeful information was given. By then I was in the same custody cell with mass murderers. The cell that was given to me by the watchdogs of my host country as appropriate prize for my loyalty to my second homeland and beyond that hey were crushing me with incredible weight of worst accusations delivered to me at any moment as if they were picking them out of a bag full of paragraphs like they were some lottery ticket. I was completely isolated from the world outside.


I painfully remember one of those days when I had to undergo one more of these psychologists and psychiatrists tests. The prison officer who was escorting me from my cell to the office where the analysis was usually taking place as if I were the most evil criminal showed me a newspaper in the elevator smirking gleefully, even sadistically: “Doc, you must be a real maffioso, they even found the explosive Semtex at your house”. The newspaper he was holding had that news at the first page and my exams had to begin in every minute… I was speechless, not knowing what more abominations they would impose on me, how I would end and not only me, also these three pure and innocent Kurds who did not know at all what was happening… Two of them moreover did not know a word in Czech. They had their families and children who were worried because of them, their parents who did not know what was happening with them in that far away European country where they were held in a prison. Their world, the world of Kurdish families was totally uprooted as they could not address Turkish authorities with even a pledge to find if their children were alive as these Turkish authorities would have pressed for them better not to be alive… I was sure that the trial was aimed to liquidate me physically as much as psychically. It was getting stronger and reaching dimensions exceeding horror novel authors’ imagination as much as it is impossible to imagine even for authors of new new products versions, the watchdogs of Franz Kafka’s country. The country suffering under Nazism for 8 years, then 40 years under Communism and the fell into “Consume” privatization.

Despite that shock and all series of shocks that I had to experience in my cell daily I underwent the observations. Some months later I saw the protocol signed by the experts’ team at one of the rare chances when I could look into my papers. Their results were unambiguous. I was a completely sane person, my credibility was intact. I was not suffering with any psychic or psychiatric illness. They gave me a positive result that would be difficult to make even with an innocent citizen under normal life circumstances. A result that would be a dream of an innocent citizen signed and commissioned by my executioners.

One of those who signed it was also MUDr Stibral.

My attorney after listening to all that tragical story suggested to object to Prof Vymetal’s bias. I objected, however and he was not able to realize, why.


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