The SUN is an inseparable part of the identity of every Kurd! It is now very important for Heyva Sor Kurdi to think about its name, with respect to the people of Kurdistan, who are struggling for their identity.
Heyva Sora Kurdi (Kurdish Red Moon ) or Roja Sora Kurdi ( Kurdish Red Sun) ?
The name of the humanitarian organization of one of the most oppressed nations in the world. This important humanitarian organization of the nation fighting on many fronts against the barbaric orders should bear a name related to its culture and traditions! 
The moon holds no important place in the lives, but also in the traditions of Kurds. There’s nothing symbolic in it for the Kurds. It seems that the founders of Heyva Sor adopted this name under the strong Turko-Arabic influence, without even thinking about the symbolism of the moon for Kurds and Arabs. Arabs who for many years lived and are still living in the deserts of the tropical and subtropical area have no reason to like the sun, as for them, the sun can mean only suffering.. 
Contrary to this, the moon brings them, after sunset some cold and cool breeze. Consequently, it symbolizes the daytime when they can live normally. There’s no wonder that they prefer the moon over the sun. However, the Kurds, who live in a much colder environment than the Arabs, view the sun as the source of everything, as the source of new life. Kurds who live under Ararat, Nemrut or in the Harran plateau cannot look at the sun as their enemy, unlike the Arabs living in Mekka, Raqqa or Baghdad. In Kurdistan, the moon can bring you only a cold, murderous night, but with the sun, everything, wakes up – the flowers, birds, people – and night beasts go to sleep. 
Arabian Moon
The SUN is an inseparable part of the identity of every Kurd! It is now very important for Heyva Sor Kurdi to think about its name, with respect to the people of Kurdistan, who are struggling for their identity. A propos “Heyva Sor” (Red Moon ) – the moon can be red only thanks to the SUN – without it, it is only a dead grey satellite of the Earth.
For the first time in the history of the Kurds, it was me who founded “Roja Sora Kurdi” (Kurdish Red Sun) – in year 1979 , me and 3 other Kurdish physicians and the professor of international law Mr. Mönsch have formally asked for an official membership in the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva.